EPM scheduling information can be transferred to Outlook, which can then be transferred to a PDA or other software applications. To display a schedule in Outlook:

  1. In EPM, select Tasks > Outlook Download.
  2. The Load Schedule and User Tasks dialog box displays.
  3. Select the appropriate Resource.
  4. Set the required Length of Schedule. Note that this function only download future appointments (from today forward)and does not download any previous appointments.
  5. The Override/Delete Previously Downloaded Appts and Override/Delete Appointments in the Past options are selected as the default. If the options are cleared before transferring the data, the previously transferred appointment records are retained.
  6. Choose Load Data to download the information into Microsoft Outlook.

The EPM application transfers the long version of the Event; not the short version (for example, EPV [short name] would transfer as Established Patient Visit [long name]).