(if you have multiple printers setup, please make sure to select a Copier)

  • ac-copier
  • admin-color-copier
  • tc-copier
  • nr-copier
  • hr-copier
  • cf-copier
  • lo-copier
  • nre-copier
  • cl-admin-copier
  • cl-bus-copier
  • cl-staff-copier
  • ec-copier

1. Click File > Print > chose Printer Properties

2. In the Output Method dropdown menu select Secure Print

3. You will get a dialog box to set your username and passcode, it yes to continue.

4. Set your username OR accept default and create a Pin. hit OK

5. Hit OK to close out the dialogue and print.  Go to the copier to continue.

6. On the Copier home screen tap to wake if screen is blank, then hit the Print icon 

7.  In the Print menu click  Jobs to be Printed and select your print job

8 After selecting your print job the Start printing icon will illuminate, click it. you will be prompted for your passcode and it will print after.